Viewing job elements of posted jobs gives the hiring team full visibility to see exactly what library content was imported during each step of building the job template and each step of the job posting process. Users with access to a job can click on the Job Details tab. If a user has editing rights, they will have an Edit link on the job detail pages. If a user does not have editing permissions, they can see the job-specific details but can't make any changes.
Follow these steps to view job-specific details in a posted job:
- Select Jobs from the menu and open a job by clicking the Job Title.
- Select the Job Details tab and review each of the job detail pages:
- Step #1 Information Elements
- Step #2 Applicant Elements
- Step #3 Review Processing Elements
- Step #4 Posting Details
- To make changes to the posted job, click Edit and update the available fields by selecting an option from a drop-down or by updating the text, etc.
- Any element with the drag and drop arrow icon can be reordered and automatically saved in real time with the changes appearing on your Career Site immediately.
- Click SAVE to confirm the changes.
All hiring system Users will have access to the See Job from Applicant's View button. When clicked, it will launch that job's direct link in a new browser tab displaying the job application from an applicant's perspective. The job's unique, public URL can then be copied and shared with job prospects or other members of the hiring team. From that job posting, clicking on your company's logo will bring you to your Careers Site to view your other posted jobs.