Job Requisitions allow Account Administrators to create job requisition forms that used the "Defined" chain approval workflow instead of "Open." The form designates the number of approval levels to receive the final approval (to post the job) or denial, and the assigned users is in each level. When setting up the levels in a defined chain, the Admin would select everyone who is in the level, and designate one primary approver. If needed, the Admin can reroute an approval request from the level's primary designee to a different user in the level.
Follow these steps to create a Defined Job Requisition Workflow:
- Follow the steps to create a new Job Requisition.
- Select the Type of Approval Workflow from the dropdown to "Open" or "Defined."
- An Open workflow allows Users submitting the Requisition Request to select any Approver from the dropdown list.
- A Defined workflow designates the requisition approval workflow by adding approval "Levels". The Account Administrator must create at least one level with an assigned primary approver and a primary approver for each additional level. An approval can be rerouted by an Account Administrator to any other user listed in the same level.
- Click "edit pencil" icon to create the first Hiring Approval level.
- Enter a Level Name.
- Add one or more users to the level.
- Find a system user by entering at least 3 consecutive letters in the first name, last name, or user email in the Search Users text box. Results will be returned automatically
- Click their name to include them as an Assigned User.
- Repeat to include additional users.
- Select Remove to delete that user from the level.
- You must designate a primary user for this hiring approval level by clicking the "star" icon next to their name.
- Click OK to add the Level to the workflow.
- Include additional levels by clicking +ADD STEP and repeating the process to add a level.
- Click "edit pencil" icon to create the first Hiring Approval level.
- Add the new Job Requisition Form by clicking SAVE.
Note: Once a Job Requisition Form is created, the "Type of Approval Workflow" selected cannot be changed.
Using a "Defined" chain will provide a consistent pathway when positions are requested from Department Managers or other system users. The primary approver assigned to each level is the default when the approval process reaches that level. Other assigned users to each level can act as a back up for rerouted approval requests if needed.