Now that your system has been set up, your libraries built, and job templates created, it is time to add other system users with defined roles.
User Roles
Establishing user roles and permissions is necessary to limit user access to areas within your hiring system. Account administrators will be required to assign a role to every user invited to the system.
To view available roles, navigate to Admin > Roles. You’ll find two default roles already in the system: Administrator and Read-only. Clicking on the roles will display what permissions are available for that role.
Create a new role by clicking +Create New Role, give it a name, and select the permissions you want to give to that role.
After configuring your online hiring system, users can take permitted actions such as post jobs, process applicants, search talent, pull reports, and perform other recruiting activities from any device connected to the internet.
Read more about User Role Permissions: What can a user do?
Invite Users
You can have as many users as desired at no additional charge.
- To view users in your system, navigate to Admin > Users. Here you'll find a list of all users.
Invite new users by clicking +Invite User, choose a role from the drop-down for that person, add the new user’s email address, and click Send. You can invite multiple new users with the same role at once. The recipient(s) will receive an email with a verification link, and will need to follow the steps in the email to register their account.
The new invitee will appear in a Pending status in the user list. Once they register, the status will change to Active.
- Account administrators can tell if a user has completed the registration process by viewing their Status column in Admin > Users. If the user has not completed the process, the status will be set to "Pending." If needed, clicking the ⋮ menu for the user will allow you to "Resend Invite."
Note: If you add a new user as a System Administrator, he/she will have all system permissions.
Read more about Adding New Users.