Teams allow Account Administrators to group system users together as desired. Once created, the system can recommend Teams for Jobs by matching Team attributes to Job attributes, which removes the need to remember or recreate user assignments individually for each posted job. Teams can be assigned to a Job at the time of posting or later via the Hiring Teams tab.
Creating Teams
Creating new Teams and assigning Users to them can be helpful for auto-assignments of Users to Jobs at the time of posting or editing a Job. Teams can be added to multiple Departments and/or tied to any node in the Org Chart (Location, Sub-region, Region) as well as by grouping individuals without defining additional attributes.
- Select Admin > Users > Teams from the menu.
- Click +Create New Team.
- Enter a unique Team Name (the system will not allow duplicates).
- Choose to associate this Team with any Department(s) by selecting Yes or No.
- If Yes, use the drop-down to select one or more Departments.
- Choose to associate this Team with one or more entries in your Org Chart by selecting Yes or No.
- If Yes, click the checkbox to select the Region, Sub-Region, or Location from the list.
- When choosing an entire Region or Sub-Region, the Team will be assigned to each entry underneath that branch of your Org Chart.
- Add Team members by searching for a User and clicking their name to include them as Assigned Users.
- Select Remove to delete that user from the Team.
- Click SAVE to create the Team.
- The Team will now appear in the Teams list with the number of Assigned Users.
Editing Teams
- Select Admin > Users > Teams from the menu.
- Find a Team by entering at least 3 consecutive letters of the Team in the Search team name text box. The results will be returned automatically.
- Click on the name of any Team to open the Team settings or use the ⋮ menu and select Edit.
- Proceed to review the Team information and make changes as needed:
- Update the Team Name by entering in a unique name (the system will not allow duplicates).
- Choose to associate this Team with any Department(s) by selecting Yes or No.
- If Yes, use the drop-down to select one or more Departments.
- Choose to associate this Team with one or more entries in your Org Chart by selecting Yes or No.
- If Yes, click the checkbox to select the Region, Sub-Region, or Location from the list.
- When choosing an entire Region or Sub-Region, the Team will be assigned to each entry underneath that branch of your Org Chart.
- Add new Team members by searching for a User and selecting their name to assign them.
- Remove Assigned Users from the Team by selecting Remove.
- Click SAVE to finish editing the Team.
Assigning Teams
Assigning Teams to a job will allow all members of that Team to be auto-assigned to that Job with permissions based on their User Role. Teams can be assigned at the time of posting a job or added afterward through the Job's Hiring Team tab.
When posting a job:
Team(s) will be auto-assigned or pre-populated during the Job posting process if there is a match between the Team and Job attributes associated with the Department and/or Org Chart selection. For example, if a Team is assigned specifically to the Marketing Department and the Org Chart Location of Store #102, and the Job being posted matches that criteria, that Team will be added automatically as an Assigned Team. You can remove the pre-selected Team(s) or include the additional Team(s) during that step of the job posting process. If there are no Teams associated with a Department or Org Chart selection, they can be selected from the Search Teams box. All Users that are part of the Assigned Team(s) will be assigned to that Job.
After a Job has been posted:
Users with permissions can review, add, or remove Team assignments after the Job has been posted from the Job's Hiring Team tab. To see who is included in an Assigned Team, select Show Members. If an individual user needs to be added or removed from the Team(s), that must be done by Editing Teams.
Adding a Team
- Select Jobs from the main menu.
- Open the Job by clicking on the title from the My Jobs or All Jobs tab (depending on user permissions).
- Select the Hiring Team tab.
- Use the Search Team name box to find a Team by entering at least 3 consecutive letters of the Team. Click the Team name to add a Team to the Job.
Removing a Team
- Select Jobs from the main menu.
- Open the Job by clicking on the title from the My Jobs or All Jobs tab (depending on user permissions).
- Select the Hiring Team tab.
- From the Assigned Teams list, click Remove.
Note: If any user assigned to a Team is deactivated, they are removed from their Job and Team assignments.
Viewing Teams
Users can view the Teams to which they have been assigned from the Assignments tab in their hiring system profile. If changes are required to your assigned Team(s) or Jobs, they must be submitted directly to your Account Administrator.
- Click your user profile drop-down (upper right corner) and choose Profile.
- Select the Assignments tab.
- This grid will list both the Team(s) and each individual Job to which you are assigned.
Deleting Teams
Deleting a Team will make it unusable in the system and will remove the Team from any Jobs to which it was assigned.
- Select Admin > Users > Teams from the menu.
- Find a Team by entering at least 3 consecutive letters of the Team in the Search team name text box. The results will be returned automatically.
- Click the ⋮ menu of the Team and select Delete. (Deleting Teams cannot be reversed.)
- Confirm what you would like to do with individual users who were assigned to Job(s) as part of a Team Assignment.
- To delete the Team and erase all job assignments for each user in the Team, click Delete Team and Remove Job Assignments.
- To delete the Team and convert the job assignments from a Team assignment to each individual user, click Delete Team and Convert to Individual Job Assignments.
- A system notification will confirm the success of the deletion.