This glossary describes KeldairHR concepts, terminology, and products. It's a good place to get started learning how to set up and use your KeldairHR Applicant Tracking System.
@ - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Users assigned an Administrator role will have system-wide access and permissions. For additional information, see The System Administrator Role.
All Jobs
The job tab available to administrators that show all jobs from your organization with a job status of posted or paused.
Applicant Elements
The applicant elements are used to collect information from the job applicant such as system categories (Employment History, References Education History, sets, and question sets which can either be auto scored or standard.
Applicant File
An Applicant File is created when a candidate applies to one of your posted jobs. You will work within individual Applicant Files to review and process applicants.
Applicant Flags
A means to mark an applicant file through the use of colored and labeled flags.
Applicant Flow
The rate at which your job is attracting new applicants.
Applicant Queue
The list of all applicants within a particular job.
Applicant Sources
Applicant sources are the origin of your applicant traffic.
Applicant Traffic
The number of applicants that are viewing and applying.
The Archive is your hiring system's permanent record of all jobs and corresponding applicants.
The process of moving an active job to the archive for storage. KeldairHR will automatically archive a job when the Job Status is changed to closed.
AutoRefresh enables posted jobs to automatically re-post again after 30-days to the job boards they were fed to. See Job Posting AutoRefresh.
AutoScore Applicant Element
All questions within an AutoScore Applicant Element question set will be automatically-scored against the desired response.
Your KeldairHR Career Site can be customized with your brand. See Customizing your career site.
Career Site
Career Sites are public pages where applicants can find all of your currently posted jobs. Each Career Site has it's own unique, system provided URL's.
Checkr is a fully-integrated background check service. See Checkr background check integration.
Comments can be made directly on any applicant element (resume, cover letter, etc.) or processing element (phone screen, interview, background check, etc.) that was selected as part of the job template.
The community is where KeldairHR users can ask questions, provide answers, or share ideas.
The hiring system dashboard displays summary information, as permitted by user roles, on the home screen after logging into your hiring center. It's designed to give you a current overview of your assigned jobs, notifications, applicant metrics, and scheduled hiring tasks.
A department is a required field for all job postings. The site will be populated with defaults, however, additional departments can be added or removed by the site administrator.
Email Notifications
Email notifications will be generated by the system and sent to the email address associated with the user's profile. Common emailed system notifications include registration emails, resetting passwords, newest applicant notifications, applicant message notifications, @mentions, etc. For applicant communications, message templates can be customized to match your branding and to modify the wording.
External Collaborators
External collaborators are non-registered users with whom an applicant file has been shared.
Filters can be applied to narrow the data based on a combination of parameters.
Groups are used to create collections of agents. Agents can belong to more than one group. End-users cannot be added to groups, only organizations. Groups are not available on the Support Essential plan. See About organizations and groups and Creating, managing, and using groups.
Gusto is a fully-integrated people platform for payroll, benefits, and more. See Gusto payroll integration.
Permanent tab located at the top of the navigation and displays the user's dashboard featuring the newest messages, scheduled interviews, job summary total, newest applications, and applicants by stage.
Hiring Team
The Hiring Team is an assigned group of users who will manage all or certain aspects of your hiring process. See How do I assign users to the hiring team?
The system action taken to hire the selected applicant. KeldairHR provides users with permissions three options for processing the hire. See Hiring Applicants.
Indeed Apply
Indeed Apply is an easy apply feature offered by Indeed. It's a job application shortcut for job seekers with registered Indeed profiles.
Information Elements
Information elements contain information about your company and general job information such as Department, Employment Type, Company Description, Job Description, Benefits, Video and Custom. When selected during job template creation, they will appear in the job posting to inform the applicant of the basic attributes of the job.
Instance Name
When your hiring instance is provisioned, the Instance Name is assigned during configuration. It will identify your organization to job seekers and candidates in your in the Career Site URL, message templates, communications, etc. Account Administrators can view the Instance Name at the top of Organization > Org Chart. All system users will see the Instance Name underneath their profile in the upper right corner.
Job Board
KeldairHR is classified as an Applicant Tracking System. Its primary function is to centralize all of your recruiting efforts into one location and provide flexible pre-screening tools to streamline your applicant processing pipeline from start to finish. Your online hiring system provides a direct XML feed to several job boards. See On what job boards do my positions appear?
Job Status
The job status reflects the current state of the position. When a job is currently in use and found on job boards it will be assigned the job status of posted. A member of the hiring team can manually change the status to pause, removing it from job boards and then to Closed to archive the position. See Job Status: Posted, Paused, Closed
Job Template
A Job Template is a comprehensive explanation of your desired position, its necessary requirements, any requests for applicant information and pre-screening questions. Job templates are broken down into the 3 key elements: Information Elements, Applicant Elements, Processing Elements
Part of KeldairHR's support network, the knowledgebase, contains detailed content regarding hiring system functionality, processes, and terms as well as provides the ability for users to submit support tickets.
Locations serve as the point of origin for posted jobs, which are required by all major job boards. See Setting up the Organizational Chart.
Log into your KeldairHR ATS:
My Jobs
The My Jobs tab displays all jobs the user has been assigned to as part of the hiring team. Job permissions are dependent upon their selected user role.
New Hire File
A New Hire File is created once the New Hire Export has been configured and a candidate is moved from any workflow stage to "hired" in your Applicant Tracking System. You will work within individual New Hire Files to collect and process New Hire information as required by your organization.
The system provides the option to extend user-selected applicants with a formal offer before making the hire. See Initiating a Job Offer.
Optional fields are not required to proceed.
Organization (Org Chart)
The structure of how your company is organized. It's compromised of the connection of Regions, Subregions, and Locations within your company and the Position Templates you use. See Setting up the Organizational Chart.
Parse is the system action when a resume or cover letter is uploaded and the information within the attachment becomes imported data into the respective sections of the job. Depending on how your resume is structured/designed, the formatting and placement may vary when uploaded. We suggest applicants review each section of the application in detail where imported resume information was entered for accuracy.
A User Role can be simply defined as “what a user can do" and each User Role is made up of a collection of Permissions. A Permission is a specific activity type or behavior that can be checked for "On" or unchecked for "Off" for any Role. See User Role Permission.
Processing Elements
Processing elements are workflow configurations and other system settings created and edited by an account administrator.
Question Set
Question sets are those questions asked of candidates in the application process. For flexibility when creating Job Templates it's suggested they be set up as groups of general questions and job-specific questions. Additionally, when creating these question sets they can be defined as a Standard Applicant Element or AutoScore Applicant Element.
The stage assigned to all newly submitted applications.
A reference is a person provided by an applicant to whom inquiries as to the character, ability, and qualifications of that applicant can be made.
The system action taken to reject the selected applicant. See Rejecting Applicants.
Required fields that are mandatory to proceed.
From the Home tab, users will be able to see all interviews on their schedule.
Standard Applicant Element
All questions within a Standard Applicant Element question set will not be automatically-scored, rather the collection of answers in the Applicant File can be given an overall score.
Stages are included as part of job workflows and provides an at-a-glance visibility of all applications in the recruiting pipeline. Once the workflow is assigned to a job the stages will be shown in the applicant file of any candidate who applies to that position.
When creating your organization's hiring workflow, individual custom steps can be added to stages. Once the workflow is assigned to a job the steps will be shown in the applicant file of any candidate who applies to that position.
Within each job, the summary provides position metrics including the posted date, days open, the total number of active rejected and hired applicants.
Your KeldairHR Applicant Tracking System includes an assigned Account Manager and a thorough US-based support network. Our knowledgebase provides documentation to research functionality, processes, and terms as well as submit support tickets.
System-generated Emails
System-generated emails are messages sent automatically during the hiring process based on a user’s actions. See KeldairHR System-generated Emails.
The Talent tab is your talent pool. It contains all applicants from every job ever posted regardless of its Job Status.
Tracking Links
An applicant source tracking link is a unique URL that points applicants directly to a job posting from wherever that link is found. When the job seeker clicks that link and submits the application, the applicant's file captures and reflects the source of that applicant.
Users Roles
A workflow is comprised of stages and steps which create the road map for the hiring team to consistently follow when processing applicants. At least one workflow must be defined before a Job Template is created. Once the workflow is assigned and the job is posted, the workflow will be displayed in every applicant file for that position.