As a job ages from its posted date, it falls from the top spot on job searches. The older the job, the less likely it is to attract new applicants. If this is a position that you plan to continue advertising, enabling AutoRefresh is suggested. Turning on the AutoRefresh feature for a job will automatically renew them every 30 days so it never appears older than that to job seekers. After the 90th day, the job will remain posted, but will not be refreshed again. If you haven't made that ideal hire after 90 days, it is recommended that you process (Reject or Hire) all remaining applicants and close the job. Next, review the job content to ensure it's up to date, and then post it again.
The best practice is to promptly process each new job applicant within a few days, making either a hire or rejection decision. Job seekers are looking for employment, and you are seeking the ideal worker. A processing delay could result in the loss of a strong fit. Fast-acting recruiting actions cast a favorable light on a company, as everyone likes closure, no matter the outcome.