KeldairHR provides account administrators with the option to add-on the Text-to-Apply feature, which allows applicants to text a phone number and receive a reply from your hiring system instantly with a link to your company's career site. Text-to-Apply is another way to engage job seekers via mobile technology, making it easy for them to view, apply, and share your available jobs.
After logging in to your KeldairHR account, select Marketplace > Add-ons from the menu. Click Learn More on the Text-to-Apply card to read about this feature, including product details and pricing.
Applicant View of Text-to-Apply
Text-to-Apply Pricing
Text-to-Apply is a paid Add-on that can scale with your recruiting needs. Pricing starts at $25 per line, per month with up to 500 text messages and five cents per message thereafter.
Note: Each transaction is 2 text messages: First the applicant sends a text request to the Text-to-Apply number (1/2), and the second is a system-generated text response with the career site link (2/2).
Activating Text-to-Apply
Text-to-Apply is an add-on feature that allows applicants to text a keyword to a defined number and get an immediate text reply back with a link to the company's jobs page.
Follow these steps to activate Text-to-Apply:
- Click the Activate Text-to-Apply button.
- Enter the desired three-digit area code to create your dedicated Text-to-Apply number and then click ACTIVATE TEXT TO APPLY. The system will attempt to obtain a new Text-to-Apply number with the requested area code. If a number in that area code is not available, a close area code will be selected.
- A pop-up will confirm the new number, which can then be promoted wherever you'd like.
- The switch in the upper right corner of the Text-to-Apply card will now be turned on and set to Active.
Using Text-to-Apply
Once activated, applicants can opt to receive a one-time text reply with a link to your Career Site when they message your assigned Text-to-Apply number from their mobile device. The Text-to-Apply number can be used on a sign in your window, near the checkout counter or on a menu, receipts, business cards, emails, etc. with a keyword such as "Jobs."
Applicant View of Text-to-Apply
When applicants send a message containing your keyword, such as "Jobs," to your designated Text-to-Apply number they will automatically receive a reply with your Career Site link. From there, they will be able to view your open jobs and complete the application process to apply.
Note: The applicant's service provider may apply standard message and data rates when sending and receiving your text message.
My Text-to-Apply Details
Account administrators can view the company's Text-to-Apply details by clicking Learn More on the Text-to-Apply card from the Marketplace > Add-ons. Selecting the See My Text-to-Apply Details button will provide the following:
- The assigned unique Text-to-Apply number(s)
- How many texts you have used and how many are remaining this month
- The total number of all-time texts used
Deactivating Text-to-Apply
If Text-to-Apply is deactivated, applicants who text the assigned number will not receive a system-generated response with the link to your career site. Your assigned number will be retained by KeldairHR in case you would like to reactivate in the future.
Follow these steps to deactivate Text-to-Apply:
- Select Marketplace then Add-ons from the menu.
- Click Learn More on the Text-to-Apply card.
- Use the switch to toggle from Active to Inactive.
- Confirm by selecting, YES, TURN THIS OFF.
- A notification will confirm the success of deactivating Text-to-Apply.
Reactivating Text-to-Apply
If Text-to-Apply is reactivated, applicants who text the assigned number will now receive a system-generated response with the link to your career site.
Follow these steps to reactivate Text-to-Apply:
- Select Marketplace then Add-ons from the menu.
- Click Learn More on the Text-to-Apply card.
- Use the switch to toggle from Active to Inactive.
- A notification will confirm the success of reactivating Text-to-Apply.
- Select the See My Text-to-Apply Details to review current message totals.