Resumes, if provided, can be reviewed from individual applicant files. Users can access Applicant Files from the Talent Tab or from the Applicant Queue within each Job. To review a resume, click an applicant's name. The resume will be available in Part One of the Details tab of their Applicant File. After reviewing a resume, notes can be added either at the bottom of the resume page in the "Internal Comments" section or by clicking the Comments tab.
Download Original File
The resume in an applicant's file is visually presented in the native form as the applicant intended. If there is a system issue with the original file submission, the resume will be presented in a uniform format that results from resume parsing. Users with permission can download a resume by clicking Download Original File. The downloaded file will be in the applicant's original format (Word document, PDF, etc.).
Note: When creating a Job Template, whether or not an applicant must provide a resume can be set to Optional or Required. If the resume option is set to Optional, and an applicant doesn’t provide a resume, a message displays in the Resume section of the applicant file.