The KeldairHR ATS enables the hiring team to share an applicant file with an external collaborator or non-registered user and/or other registered system users.
- Sharing an applicant file internally can be done only with email addresses that are registered in your hiring system. Any User on the list that has the hiring team icon denotes that they are a member of the assigned Hiring Team.
- Sharing an applicant file externally can be done only with an email address that is not registered by your hiring system.
All shared file actions are traced in the applicant's file so that you have a detailed record of who has contributed to the hiring process and who still needs to be consulted.
Sharing an Applicant File
- Open an applicant file and click the Share Applicant File icon on the right side of the applicant profile section.
- From the pop-up window, use the drop-down to Select Message from the list.
- Review the subject and body of the selected message template.
- Share with a Registered User by searching for a User in the drop-down and clicking each name to be included.
- Share with an External Recipient by adding one or more recipient email addresses separated by commas.
- Click SHARE, and the recipients will receive an email notifying them an Applicant File has been shared. In addition, an entry will be made in the Streams tab to reflect with whom it was shared.
- When the Share File link is accessed:
- Registered Users already assigned to the Hiring team of the applicant's Job will receive the share file email with the link. Once they click the link, they will be able to interact with the Applicant File based on their assigned User Role.
- Registered Users not assigned to the applicant's Job will receive the share file email with the link, but they can only take basic share file actions (e.g., add comments). They cannot navigate to other Applicant Files of that job.
- External collaborators will receive the share file email with the link that will provide access to the applicant file in a cloud-friendly format that will expire automatically after 7 days. When the link is accessed, external collaborators can see all applicant elements, but the only action an external user can take is to review the file and add comments, either directly in an element or in the Comments tab. (External collaborators will not see the system menus or applicant profile section.)
Tip: To reshare or resend an invitation to an external collaborator, repeat the steps above.
Note: The share applicant file notification template is created and stored in the message templates library in the General > Sharing folder. If you make changes to the email when sharing an applicant file, it will not alter the standard template. The changes will apply only for that specific collaborator.
Comments on a Shared Applicant File
Comments added by external collaborators will be emailed to all users who have the External Comments Notifications turned on, shown in the applicant elements to which they were added, and also logged in the stream. These comments will be displayed with subtle visual differences as compared to registered users, and will have a black circle avatar instead of color and one letter instead of 2. Additionally, any comments from external collaborators will show their email address instead of a name on the comment.
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