Account Administrators can control what filters are displayed on the Career Site. When applicants view active jobs on the Career Site, they can then use any combination of filters you have enabled by using the checkboxes. The system will display the matches in order from the most to least relevant. To start a new search, applicants can use the "Clear All Filters" button to remove the applied filters or clear an individual selection by unchecking the box. Applicants can also use the search box to search jobs by job title, job descriptions, city, state, and zip in addition to any applied filters.
The corresponding jobs within each filter will be listed in descending order with the number of matches in each, such as "Philadelphia, PA (8)". System filters with no active jobs will be hidden.
To review or update the filter settings, go to Admin > Career Site, and then click Career Site Filters to select which filters to display on your Career Site. Use the following dropdown fields to change the filter to On or Off:
- Department (Default On)
- Locations (by City) (Default Off)
- Locations (by Name) (Default Off)
- Sub-Brand (Default Off)
- Employment Type (Default Off)
- Experience (Default Off)