What is the Archive?
The Archive tab contains all previously posted jobs and all applicants who applied to those positions when they had a Job Status of Posted. The Archive is, therefore, your hiring system's permanent record of all jobs and corresponding applicants. A job will be moved to the Archive automatically when the Job Status is changed to Closed.
To reach your Archive, click Jobs > Archive. A common reason to use the Archive will be to retrieve applicants if you have closed a position. Applicants in the Archive work similarly to applicants under positions in the Job tab. You can click on any position in the Archive to see the overview of how applicants stack up against one another and a job summary. All the actions that you would take under the Jobs tab can still be taken in the Archive. You can view an applicant profile, request an interview, verify references, and hire or reject an applicant.
Note: Closing a job automatically moves it over to your Archive, so no extra action is needed.
Who can access the Archive?
Admins can access all jobs in the Archive at any time.
Non-Admins can access the archive for a Job if they were part of the hiring team for that job when it was active.
Tip: If you would like to provide a new user access to a Closed position, you can open the Job(s) from within the Archive, click on the Hiring Team tab, search for the User, and then click their name to add them.